
My Trials & Tribulations

I started off so well, writing again. Now here I am weeks on and only just writing another post. That real life stuff keeps getting in the way

I finally did get back here after changing my domain hosting and to my horror, discovered the blog was down. I could get in the admin side but the site wasn't showing up.
Now this was scary stuff.

 I was sent information on what to do next but it might as well have been in alien speak for all the good it did me.

Now what was I supposed to do. I kept messaging the support, kept getting links for help/what to do?
Still looked like an alien language but with the blog down I had to bite the bullet and try. Well I learned about 'nameservers' 'A names' 'C names' and 'DNS'. Apparently that's not the same as DNA. Who knew?😂
Well, I just followed instructions until all this stuff was changed.

Could the impossible become possible?

Would I get it right?

The good news is that big red angry writing only appeared once and disappeared when I redid that bit, then everything seemed happy, nice green ticks.✅
But the blog still didn't appear.
Yes I know I was supposed to wait at least 24 hours but who can wait that long?

Well me apparently ......... because it didn't matter how often I checked there wasn't any change.


Wait for it...... oh you know what I am going to say because you are reading this saga. So yes, this morning it had reappeared, large as life.


I just get busier by the day,
life seems to get in the way.
I try to find extra time to write
but Father time will not bite.
I rise early, retire late
lack of sleep is my fate.
Still there aren't enough hours
to even get to smell the flowers.
Then disaster appears, no blog.
now I have a mental fog.
My poor brain is churning
there's technical & tricky learning.
Orders waiting but this has to be done,
oh woe is me, this isn't fun!
I will not be defeated
kept going till twas completed.
Finally, at last, victory is mine,
many green ticks in a line.
Then at last the final test...
a click, my fears are laid to rest!!

I hope you enjoyed this blog, now it is finally back up and running. This is true and was very annoying and time wasting at the time.
The moral of the story is: Check whether anything will happen, good or bad, before you do things. Don't be impulsive like me.
Will I check first  next time? Probably not, I can be impulsive. LOL.
If you enjoyed the read, please share for others to learn from or laugh at.
Have you had anything like this happen? Would love to hear about it!